Amazing Fantasy Horror: Season 1 EP 4 Queen of the Damned: Acceleration


YouTube: Fantasy Horror: Season 1 EP 4 Queen of the Damned: Acceleration

As the Vampyre’s eyes were brought to focus, she could see Victoria in her sights. Her eyes widened with a deathly rage. Her hands instinctively reached for her enchanted Berruvian blades and found nothing but empty space. She growled with anger and lunged toward Victoria. She violently crashed into a magic barrier and her body ricocheted to the floor onto her back.

The Vampyre shot up from the floor with an aggressive yet fearful agitation as she put her back to the wall and produced a low consistent growling that you could feel in your chest.

She frantically moved her gaze between Victoria, Cassidra, and the room’s surroundings.

Cassidra could sense the Vampyre’s thought activity, ‘I can feel the gears in your mind turning through your options.’ ‘I can assure you Vampyre, there is no way for you to escape from here.’

The Vampyre fiercely growled mixed with a yell in Cassidra’s direction.

Unfazed Cassidra continued, ‘It should be obvious to you by now that we do not want you dead.’ ‘There are too many critical questions to be exchanged between us.’ ‘And our time is impartial to the desperate needs of this world.’

The Vampyre just paced back and forth snarling through rage-filled eyes burning death into Victoria and Cassidra.

‘I know your questions seek answers and those answers may be in our keep.’ ‘Burl and the Seraphic Kingdom are driven by a curiosity that seems to connect you to their questions.’ ‘We Orazha have ancient manuscripts that point to something like you with our own set of queries.’ ‘The weight of our collective questions connects us to each other.’

‘So, if you prefer to kill us over and over with your eyes, you can call this cage your home for a while.’ ‘But I believe you know as well as I do that, we are losing precious and nonrefundable time with this meandering dance between us.’

‘The Face beyond the Kulrah put us together for reasons unattached to our knowing right now.’ ‘So, I strongly suggest we make haste toward working together on this.’ ‘We are not meant to be enemies quite yet, Vampyre.’

The Vampyre stopped pacing and being surly, then finally spoke, ‘I’m listening so talk, Orazha.’

‘Your existence brings us some answers, but those answers are followed by a perpetual depth of new inquiries.’ ‘My name is Cassidra Hightower and in the realm of the Orazha my hundreds of living years have seen many lifetimes come and go but I have never witnessed anything like you.’ ‘Never!’ ‘You simultaneously bring exhilaration and terror to my doorstep.’

‘I am not sure how I am taking that just yet.’

‘Inside many Orazha circles I am known as the paleographer of all the existing ancient Orazha texts.’ ‘Some of these texts are dated back to the ‘time before.’ ‘If one needs the interpretation behind these ancient words, then they come to me.’ ‘Now what seemed to be entertaining stories as I first read them, have become drenched with drops of truth in this reality.’ ‘Vampyre, unfortunately you bring validation to the dark corners holding fearful whispers, yet my intuitive sense tells me you are not one with the darkness.’

‘You are something else entirely.’

‘Sorry, it is so rude of me to ramble on like this, I should stop before my historical inquisitiveness completely tunnels my thoughts.’

‘Let me introduce you to…’

Victoria stopped Cassidra, ‘No need Cassidra.’ ‘We battled warrior to warrior; she deserves to hear it directly from me.’ ‘My apologies for placing you within this arrangement, Vampyre.’ ‘Not exactly my first choice but I am sure you can understand that you are a high-level dangerous combatant so extra precautions had to be put in place.’ ‘I affirm to you; all this comes to you from a venue of grand respect.’

The Vampyre released a gnarly sound caught somewhere between respectful acceptance and disdain.

‘I am Victoria Chastain.’ ‘Cassidra taught me everything I know about being an Orazha.’ I fight under the Hand Fire Covenant banner, the same as she does. But since I am a Lady Myostopic my Kulrah energy is blended to the green.’

‘But unknown to you Vampyre, you have been caught in our circumference for some time now.’ ‘Cassidra commissioned me to follow you discretely since you started venturing through the towns of Didoraa, Finash, and now here in Bolaria as you chased the purple light.’

‘We have been investigating the purple light disappearances from behind the shadows as we did not want to raise an alarm to the Kingdom without enough information.’ ‘This is when you came into our purview.’ ‘But you, you were somehow already on this trail long before it came to our attention.’

‘The questions on the top of my mind are why and how?’

Cassidra interjected, ‘I think this is a good time for the Vampyre to start talking, Victoria.’ ‘Your name might be a good place for you to start, Vampyre.’

The Vampyre huffed then replied, ‘I can start with that then.’ ‘The name affixed to me under the light of the Six Lands is, Hikari Tomoe.’ ‘But you Orazhas can call me Tomoe.’

Cassidra spoke, ‘Hikari Tomoe, ancient names from a tongue lost to history.’ ‘Hikari which means light and Tomoe which means to combine wisdom and intellect.’ ‘Fascinating.’ ‘I have so many more questions now.’ ‘Ok Tomoe, let’s go with the obvious question first.’ ‘Why are you in pursuit of this purple….’

Before Cassidra could finish with her question, Tomoe grunted in pain, fell to one knee, and grabbed the sides of her head with both hands.

Cassidra said, ‘My dear, are you ok?’

Victoria exclaimed, ‘Tomoe?’

Tomoe slowly rose up as the anguish on her face eroded away, ‘I’m ok.’ ‘A vision suddenly pierced my mind and spirit.’ ‘In fact it was two visions.’ ‘Such a painful strength behind them.’ ‘I…’ I never….felt them like this before.’

Tomoe looked up at Victoria and Cassidra, ‘I have been receiving visions of the purple light for some time now.’ ‘But I have never received imagery of two simultaneous events occurring.’

Cassidra, ‘What did you see?’

‘Each vision starts with the same imagery and emotional vibration.’ ‘I start to feel a cold darkness seep into my bones and then a haunted voice says my name through the darkness.’ ‘The voice seems to be drawing me to it in a way that I can’t explain.’ ‘It tells me to follow the purple light and I will have the answers that I seek.’ ‘Then I experience the absolute terror of those engulfed by the purple light before I am shown their exact location.’

Tomoe shook her head back and forth, ‘Things are accelerating, we need to hurry.’

Cassidra, ‘Where are the two new purple light locations?’

Tomoe, ‘Transing in the western banks of the 3rd Land and Estoros at the southern tip of the 4th Land.’

Cassidra, ‘We will need to split up then so we can cover more ground.’ ‘Victoria, take Tomoe with you to Estoros since it is the farthest location and the two of you can ride now.’ ‘Burl and his men will still need a couple of hours to be travel-ready.’ ‘I will send them to Transing to investigate the disappearance there.’

‘I will travel to the Orazha temple.’ ‘I have a theory I need to follow up on, so I need to get in front of the ancient manuscripts.’ ‘When you are done in Eastoros, meet me at the Orazha temple library.’ ‘Hopefully we can uncover a clear path to travel by then.’

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