Fantasy Dark Horror Fiction Selections: Season 1 EP. 2 Queen of the Damned "Hello Old Friend"

Burl was frozen and wide-eyed in the darkness. His nose picked up a hint of jasmine as his survival rolodex automatically churned through counter options.

Burl’s face started to bead with sweat as the voice softly spoke once more, ‘I am the stranger you are hunting.’ ‘Meet me in the Chapel Black when the shadow of the library spire’s tip touches the forehead of the kneeling priest constructed from stained glass.’

Burl felt the pressure from the blade dissipate and a lite air move across his cheek. The stranger was gone, along with that hint of jasmine.

Burl let out a sigh of relief and said, "Shit."

Sleep did not find its way to Burl for the rest of the night. He decided to let his men sleep. He wanted them fresh minded for this new wrinkle in their investigation. 

Burl rose to find Jii and Tycannis sitting at the table.

Tycannis looked up at Burl and cracked, ‘you look like a 10lb bag of smashed dung droppers.’ (Laughing) ‘Well as opposed to your usual smashing 5lb look.’ 

Tycannis then noticed the cut across Burl’s neck and said, ‘What the hell happened to your neck?’ 

Tycannis looked at Jii while slapping him on the shoulder and chuckled, ‘Bastard looks like he attempted to shave off his face with a sword.’ (Laughter)

But Jii saw something else, I would say it is more likely, Burl was visited by our stranger last night. With Burl’s facial reaction to your inquiry Tycannis, the smell of jasmine, and the blade mark across his neck, I believe Burl has some essential information he would like to share with us.’

Tycannis rolled his eyes and groaned sarcastically, ‘Why are your words unable to have fun Jii?’ 

Jii just blankly looked in Tycannis’s direction.

Then Tycannis directed more words in Jii’s direction, ‘Gods Damn your overly serious and joyless lips.

Burl told Tycannis to, ‘Pipe down, ‘Jii is exactly right.’ ‘But Jii I have to ask, why didn’t you tell us about the smell of jasmine being associated with this stranger?’ 

Jii responded, ‘I only heard about the jasmine through one source, so I didn’t deem it as relevant yet.’ Burl said, ‘Ok Jii.’ Then Burl glanced at each of their faces and said, ‘The stranger did visit me last night and she wants us to meet her in Chapel Black later today.

Tycannis roared with, ‘You want us to go to that creepy old, abandoned church that is said to be cursed, where everyone died inside at the same time from some unknown cause!’ ‘Damn it Burl, you know I don’t like curses, cursed things, places!’ ‘Hey Tycannis, Let’s just walk right into a cursed deathtrap to meet a Vampyre on their terms, it will be alright.’ ‘What the Fuck Mate?!’

Burl told Tycannis while biting back full laughter, ‘Now that we know you only need a diaper change, daddy will clean you up, so you feel fresh and ready for the work ahead. 

Tycannis responded, ‘You don’t see me laughing cause none of this shit is funny.’

Burl gave instructions to Jii to, ‘Scout Chapel Black and get a read on our vulnerabilities.’ Then put together a plan on how to mitigate the potential risks.’ ‘We have about 6 hours till we need to meet with her.’

Burl told Tycannis, ‘When you are done being a man baby, go finish setting up our base of operations.

Tycannis said in an annoyed tone, ‘Yeah Yeah asshole.’

Burl headed to the witch Cassidra’s shop to speak with her about the purple light as she wasn't available upon his first visit. 

Cassidra and Burl have a history that tracks backwards to the end of the last great war called The Cinder War. They fought side by side defeating the last significant threat to the Seraphic Kingdom and the Six Lands. It was a marauding nightmare that came from the Nomadic Hills to the east where the twelve warlord tribes became united under Mytok “The Cinder.” Mytok was aptly given this name as he burned every warrior, he found alive and enslaved everyone that was left. 

Cassidra is the one who finished off Mytok with a fiery inferno right here in Bolaria. As the air carried news of his death back through his army, they receded into the Nomadic Hills not to be heard from again. When the war ended Mytok “The Cinder” had conquered four of the six lands.

Cassidra and her flock are called the Orazha. They go by many names. Sorceress to some and witch to others like Burl and his people.

Only women are born an Orazha with the ability to harness the “Kulrah.” The Kulrah is a limitless energy, which has been around since the beginning of existence and binds the foundations of the universe together. 

When an Orazha reaches maturity in the womb they transform into a volatile and deadly little force of energy. Their body becomes like the sun, and they incinerate their mother from the inside out. A life must be taken for their life to exist. A trade without compromise. They enter the world extinguishing the blood of their mother, as they never experience her touch or the true love and guidance a mother provides. The death of their mother is a burden they carry for a lifetime which is hundreds of years longer than a normal human. 

After the Orazha kills its mother, their nova becomes dormant for days to months.

Each region in the Six Lands has a Lady Myostopic. The Lady Myostopic must be called to take the child to the Orazha Temple located in the Demorac Mountains to the south in the 6th Land. The child can be extremely dangerous at this stage and its incinerating fusion could soon start to rapidly expand out to greater distances. 

A Lady Myostopic is an Orazha with a unique aberration added to the traditional Orazha powers. Their physical touch is the only known way to keep the baby from going nova. Depending on the strength of a child’s Kulrah, a full nova could obliterate an entire city.

The child does not get to exist in a normal childhood as it is raised in the temple where they learn to harness their great Kulrah.

Burl opened the door to Cassidra’s healing shop and stepped in. 

Cassidra greeted him, ‘Ah Burl Ravishin.’ ‘The soulless battlefield looking old as ever.’

Burl looked at her and nodded his head in greeting, ‘The Witch Cassidra.’

Cassidra told Burl, ‘By the way, my sister Vellary still hates that you are walking and breathing.’ 'Vellary told me to let you know that she can’t wait to spit on your grave.’ Cassidra lightly chuckled.

Burl responded, ‘C’mon Cassidra always with the ball breaking.’ ‘You know how I feel about Vellary.’ ‘You know I love your sister.’ ‘The fact that you find humor in my torture, can be unsettling sometimes.’

Cassidra responded, ‘Stop it, you know as well as I do that if I didn’t bust your balls, you would wonder where the hell the love had gone. 

They laughed and Burl said, ‘True.’

Burl said, ‘It’s good to see you Cassidra.’ 

Cassidra said, ‘You too.’ ‘Go ahead and get it out with what you came here for.’

Burl told her, ‘I am here about the purple light that was seen right before the King’s brother, Olaris and his fiancĂ© Madeline disappeared.’

Cassidra’s joyful face evaporated into a canvas of seriousness, ‘The purple light.’ Oh Burl, the purple light is almost certainly a dangerous thing to investigate.’ 

Burl responded, ‘So you have an idea of what it is then?’

Cassidra answered, ‘Still only rumors about monstrous myths written in ancient texts, but there are just too many whispers between travelers stacking enough words to build a staircase to the heavens, to simply disregard all the stories.’

Burl scoffed, ‘Everyone with these monster stories.’ ‘You and the whole world are going mad!’

Cassidra asked Burl, ‘Do you trust me?’

Burl said, ‘You know it, with my life.’

Cassidra began to tell Burl, 'Then know this Burl, we Orazha have begun to sense an unfamiliar, yet desolate energy starting to ripple through the planet. 'We can feel the dark energy’s subtle machinations are making moves to become tangibly horrific.’ 

‘Some of the ancient texts mention a purple light where demons from the old-world travel through The Veiled Beyond and disappear people from our world. It is written that the monsters returning is a sign that they are trying to construct a way to bring their “creator” into our world. The creator of every nightmare in every world in every universe, watching our world burn, watching our freedom erased, watching as fear consumes us all like a blind rage, devoured by the creator’s endless appetite, until we come to finally rest as perpetual dust.'

Burl left Cassidra and headed to Chapel Black.

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